Below is a representation of the system in symbol form, there are
twelve symbols representing The four primary catches and their
exercise, the two figure eight exercises, the two half eight catch
exercises and the four rocking between exercises or ROX. They are laid
out in a specific order which should become clear as your study
and practise progress. The colors depict the grade and the black
arrows are the left hand swings and the white arrows are the right hand
swings. Imagine the symbol on the ground and you are the black octagon, if the
swing is to the front(above) then these are front catches if behind(below)
then these are back catches. Imagine the symbol on the wall, if the arrow
ends at the catch point or return point in the low position then this is
a low catch, if the arrow ends in the high position then this is a high
I work with kata with an open mind and often try to picture the opponent or opponents so as to gain a greater understanding
for them. l am using a standard form of footwork for some and a less orthodox style for others. The rigid constraints of a set pattern of
movement should give you a small but concise island of reference, to work form and explore the usage of Nunchaku. To the novice an awareness of the
use of techniques within a context or narrative of movement and in response to a set pattern of attack using defense and counter attack. They
are narrow and specialised, giving you in a small window, the glimpse of a mountain of possibilities for variation in a given combat situation.
So NEO has Developed a Kihon or basic blocking Kata among others, but I still wish to generate a few basic or kihon katas for each grade based
on certain techniques that need highlighting. These kihon Kata can help to alleviate boredom whilst repeating certain techniques with movement, the Kihon blocking Kata has 17 blocks repeated.
I have developed two kihon Nunchaku combat blocking Kata based on the principles of the two gates in Nunchaku combat similar to the
Wing Chun Inner and outer gates, a purely defensive one and one that brings you up close for strike combinations using the stick ends like fists or for locks and chokes.
I have borrowed a Kihon or basic Kata from Shihan Fumio Demura. Taught to me in Manchester some years ago when he was over doing a
Kobudo Seminar. This kata which runs to three points of the compass and has some interesting combinations.
For our 1st Kata I have pieced together a pattern used by Master Bruce Lee in "Enter the Dragon", this needed some thought, but using what was
there already helped, I have only added one or two moves to be able to join the two sections. So adding these missing moves and interpreting some using the NEO system the count is 27 techniques.
Kata 2 is complete except for a lock/choke hold that needs some thought. Has some close in strikes using the nunchaku end to strike like a fist.
Kata 3 is complete and is a double asymmetric Kata with half of the pattern on the left side and half on the right. Has more close in strikes using the nunchaku end to strike like a hammer fist.
Kata 4 is in its infancy and will focus on some reversed grip techniques. Starting with some reversed grip blocks before developing further.
Kata 5 has not yet been conceived, but will need some thought and meditation as this is how it seems my kata have been developing, ideas condensing from out of the fog of exercising and
training and studying with the techniques themselves. It must contain each of the 4 Primary catches and some of the more advanced techniques. Close in and long range techniques.
Most of the kata I am developing have some long reach strikes as well as close in techniques, I seem to be incorporating these naturally, so Kata 4 and 5 will no doubt incorporate this as well
There is, an essence distilled within kata that can when expressed well, give you an insight into ways of learning and expressing that understanding of knowledge.
Kata is not the be all and end all, but can be used to judge how one is taking on the body of knowledge, how each technique is performed must be salient. If Kata are learnt with the right type of
mindset and as a supplement to your other training, using focus for the techniques and imagination and thought, your Kata studies will stay balanced within the context of the whole.
My interest in developing a freestyle form of Nunchaku has been greatly stimulated by Bruce Lee and his work on Jun Fan Jeet kune do and his use of Nunchaku in his films; his WAY will always be
inspirational. Further inspiration has come from Fumio Demura and Sensei Bob McCormack.
All of this set me on a quest to perfect a free style Nunchaku way and more recently in the pursuit of combat experience.